Young Angelina Jolie Unhindered by Fashion Disaster
posted by Joseph Brannigan Lynch - Tue Mar 23 2010, 1:14 PM PDT

Sure, she was the daughter of actor Jon Voight, but back then she was just plain Angelina Jolie.
Well, plain is never a word that really applies to Angie, and as these soon-to-be-auctioned pictures reveal, the 34-year-old actress was exceptionally gorgeous even as a teenager.
Well, plain is never a word that really applies to Angie, and as these soon-to-be-auctioned pictures reveal, the 34-year-old actress was exceptionally gorgeous even as a teenager.
The black-and-white images are part of Original Vintage Glamour Photography, a collection of photographs that dealer Profiles in History will be auctioning off March 26 and 27.
Angelina's fashion snaps are expected to go for anywhere between $400-600. (In addition to photos of George Clooney and Greta Garbo, the collection also includes some shots of Marilyn Monroe as a teenybopper!)
The arresting collection of images show Angelina in a variety of early-'90s outfits, including cutoff denim shorts with uber-frayed edges, a leopard-print dress, and one get-up that pairs combat boots with an oversized bowler hat.
Another picture shows a demure Angie in a white crop-top with a small braid peeking out from her slightly windblown hairstyle.The arresting collection of images show Angelina in a variety of early-'90s outfits, including cutoff denim shorts with uber-frayed edges, a leopard-print dress, and one get-up that pairs combat boots with an oversized bowler hat.
A young Angelina mugs for the camera. Courtesy Profiles in History

Of course, Angie did look like a kid at one point in her life. Pics of the 10-year-oldJon Voight to the Oscars in 1986 show her in a lacy white dress that boasted zealous amounts of '80s pouf around the shoulders.
Brangelina recently brought 8-year-old Maddox to the red carpet for the premiere of "Invictus." Maddox sported a fetching fedora and a dapper scarf while the family spoke with friend and iconic director Clint Eastwood.
It's nice to see Angelina is protecting Maddox from the fashion faux pas her father allowed her to make. Voight lost that night in 1986 to William Hurt for best supporting actor, but 14 years later, his daughter would carry off the Oscar for best supporting actress. And who knows, maybe in another decade, Maddox will take to the red carpet and collect some Academy Awards love? accompanying daddy