Luna Maya who related to Ariel Peter Pan a.k.a Peterpon sex video, Twitter and BlackBerry Messenger spread over the internet. On BlackBerry Messenger, Luna Maya posted to her closed friends that he did not happy with current news that Ariel now arrested with police.
On Luna Maya Twitter (LuuNNyy), she wrote lovely word towards to Ariel pater Pan. Below are some of Luna Maya Twitt on Twitter..
"Belajar masak gih ama mama, biar sama enaknya *belado kentang* ;)"
"Bisa duduk berjam2 diruko abang untuk main game:)"
"Dia suka sebel kl aku gigit kuku;)"
"Paling sebel liat dia mencentin mukanya;)"
"Kok om ariel kalo tertawa matanya suka hilang? *Kata rafif anak tetangga yg
menjadi teman naksir2an aleia...;)"
"I love you NAZRIL IRHAM...ALLAH bless you;)"
So, now they confirmed that they were being in Love such a long time before the sex tape case.
technorati tags: twitter luna maya, blackberry messenger luna maya, luna maya ariel peterpon, luna maya twitter, luna maya blackberry messenger, ariel luna maya twitter, twitter luna maya, black berry messenger luna maya