

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Dating Picture

10:06 PM
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Continue Dating and Denying It

Mila and Ashton were photographed sneaking out the back door of Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica last night after enjoying a very romantic meal together.

Add this sneakery to the pictures of them both riding Ashton’s motorcyle in Hollywood last week, of Mila dopping Ashton off after a night spent at her house and the coffee date they were spotted on the week before and you’ve got a two “friends with benefits” at the very least. 

Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher Dating Picture

Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher Dating Picture

Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher Dating Picture

Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher Dating Picture

tags: Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher dating, Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher 
together dating, picture  Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher  dating,  Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher  go out together,  Mila Krunis and Ashton Kutcher in love