The Samsung Galaxy S4 Smartphone has been officially revealed. Scheduled for release mid-late spring 2013, the Next Generation Galaxy product has some noteworthy new features including a larger screen, 8 core processor, innovative camera features, eye tracking and hand gesture input features.
Noteworthy Hardware specs:
- Large 5 inch Full HD(1080P) Super AMOLED screen
- 13 megapixel camera
- Lighter and thinner than the Galaxy S3
- Ability to control your TV (even if it’s not a Samsung) using the IR Blaster technology and accompanying App
- micro SD slot with up to 64GB of storage
- 2,600mAh battery
Noteworthy Software specs:
- Multiview, Multi-Window Mode (Formerly exclusive to the Galaxy Note 2)
- AirView (hovering finger gestures)
- Wave & Wipe Navigation using camera sensor
- Group Play, allowing people to share data, play multiplayer games via Bluetooth or NFC
- S Health, next gen pedometer and health sensor software built-in
- Runs the latest Android Jelly Bean 2.2 OS
Key Lime Pie
The S4 may be one of the first phones to get Android Key Lime Pie as Google’s expected to announce their next generation operating system at Google I/O on May 15th.
The Full Samsung Galaxy S4 UNPACKED 2013 Presentation Key Note:
Here is the nearly 1 hour presentation by Samsung. Not your average Gadget Key note, a variety show part Steve Jobs, part Saturday Night Live and the Oscars.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Black Color Picture
Samsung Galaxy S4 White Color Picture
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